Tuesday, 26 April 2011

SOA vs Past Architecture

SOA vs Client Server

Mainframes provided the first “client-server” computing with synchronous and asynchronous communication

CICS – conversational and non-conversational mode

1980s – two-tier client server with fat clients, GUI, database. Dominated the 90s

Client Server Characteristics

Bulk of the application logic resides with the client

Monolithic executable on client

Business rules were maintained in stored procedures and triggers on the database

This abstracted a set of business logic from the client and simplified data access programming

Overall, the client runs the show

SOA Characteristics

Presentation layer can be any software capable of exchanging SOAP messages

SOA principles dictate partitioning logic into autonomous units

SOA units of logic are solution agnostic

Application Processing

80% - workstation, 20% server

Even so, the database is often the bottleneck

Two-tier solutions usually mean each client has a database connection

Connections are often synchronous and persistent

80% processing on client may mean client programs run exclusively

Processing with SOA is highly distributed

Each service has explicit functional boundaries and resource requirements

SOA allows many options for deploying services

Enterprise solutions consist of multiple servers with sets of Web services and supporting middleware

With SOA there is no fixed processing ratio

Supports synchronous and asynchronous communication between service and requestors

Messages are loaded with intelligence to support message-level context management

Smart messaging promotes stateless and autonomous services


The technology set for client-server applications included 4GLs like VB and PowerBuilder, RDBMSs

The SOA technology set has expanded to include Web technologies (HTML, CSS, HTTP, etc)

SOA requires the use of XML data representation architecture along with a SOAP messaging framework


Centralized at the Server level

Databases manage user accounts and groups

Also controlled within the client executable

Security for SOA is much more complex

Security complexity is directly related to the degree of security measures required

Multiple technologies are required, many in WS-Security framework


Significant maintenance costs associated with client-server

Each client housed application code

Each update required redistribution

Client stations were subject to environment-specific problems

Increased server-side demands on databases

SOA solutions are not immune to client-side maintenance challenges

Distributed back-end supports scalability, but new admin demands are introduced

Management of server resources and service interfaces may require new admin tools and even a private registry

Commitment to services and their maintenance may require cultural change in an organization

SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture

Muliple client-server architectures have appeared

Client-server DB connections have been replaced with Remote Procedure Call connections (RPC) using CORBA or DCOM

Middleware application servers and transaction monitors require significant attention

Multi-tiered client-server environments began incorporating internet technology in 90s.

The browser shifted 100% of application logic to the server

Distributed Internet architecture introduced the Web server as a new physical tier

HTTP replaced RPC protocols

Distributed Internet application put all the application logic on the server side

Even client-side scripts are downloaded from the server

Entire solution is centralized

Emphasis is on:

How application logic is partitioned

Where partitioned units reside

How units of logic should interact

Difference lies in the principles used to determine the three primary design considerations

Traditional systems create components that reside on one or more application servers

Components have varying degrees of functional granularity

Components on the same server communicate via proprietary APIs.

RPC protocols are used across servers via proxy stubs

Actual references to other physical components can be embedded in programming code (tight coupling)

SOAs also rely on components

Services encapsulate components

Services expose specific sets of functionality

Functionality can originate from legacy systems or other sources

Functionality is wrapped in services

Functionality is exposed via open, standardized interface, irrespective of technology providing the solution

Services exchange information via SOAP messages. SOAP supports RPC-style and document-style messages

Most applications rely on document-style

Messages are structured to be self-sufficient

Messages contain meta information, processing instructions, policy rules

SOA fosters reuse on a deep level by promoting solution-agnostic services

Application Processing

Distributed Internet architecture promotes the use of proprietary communication protocols (DCOM, CORBA)

SOA relies on message-based communication

Messages use serialization, transmission, de-serialization of SOAP messages containing XML payloads

RPC communication is faster than SOAP and SOAP processing overhead is a significant design issue

Messaging framework supports a wide range message exchange patterns

Asynchronous patterns encouraged

Support for stateless services is supported by context management options (WS-Coordination, WS-BPEL


Distributed Internet architecture now includes XML data representation

XML and Web services are optional for distributed Internet architecture but not for SOA


When application logic crosses physical boundaries, security becomes more difficult

Traditional security architectures incorporate delegation and impersonation as well as encryption

SOAs depart from this model by relying heavily on WS-Security to provide security logic on the messaging level

SOAP messages carry headers where security logic can be stored


Maintaining component-base applications involves:

keeping track of individual components

tracing local and remote communication problems

Monitoring server resource demands

Standard database administrative tasks

Distributed Internet Architecture introduces the Web server and its physical environment

SOA requires additional runtime administration:

Problems with messaging frameworks

Additional administration of a private or public registry of services

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