Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Web Services

Web Services are actually the services that are deployed on the web. A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices on the network. Its a way of calling methods/functions in an application on the web from another application.

Web Services are an implementation of SOA.
In SOA there are mainly two actors, one is the service provider or producer and the other is the service requestor  or consumer. The consumer sends a request for the service and the producer serves the request with a response. The main characteristic of a web service architecture is that the service providers publish their service description which are placed in a service directory(think of this directory as the popular yellow pages). The consumers on the other hand perform a query against this directory to find what services are available and how to communicate with that provider.

Web services are the APIs on the web which allow applications to communicate with each other using XML, a meta data and using SOAP as protocol.

The heart of the web services are:
  • WSDL(Web Services Description Language)
  • SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) and
  • UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration registry).

Let me briefly explain what they actually are.
WSDL is an industry accepted standard for defining an interface to a service i.e., the service descriptions are to be written in this standard language before they are placed in the service directory.
SOAP defines the protocol - on the network - for making requests and receiving responses.
Finally UDDI, is a standard for registering and searching web services within the service directories - yellow pages as it were - containing web services. Thus UDDI enables searching/discovery of various web services.

Web services are standardised by the W3C with the use of XML(eXtensible Markup Language) tags which form the basis for the web services. XML is actually designed to carry data and not display the data in a browser.

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